Supplier Shipment Receiving

With the Shipment Receiving feature, you can view the quantity of received shipments and view shipment status, such as New, Updated, etc.

Main Topics:

Work with Supplier Shipment Receiving

1.    On the Supplier Receiving menu, click Shipment Receiving.

2.    On the Supplier Shipment Receiving screen, click the item that you want to view.

 Note  Only a Shipment in the Updated status has a record on the History tab. There is no record on the History tab if you select a Shipment that is in the New status.

3.    On the Supplier Shipment Receiving screen, select the General, Demand Requests, Supplier Pallets, Other Info, or History tabs to view the corresponding details.

 Note  For a full description of each field, refer to the Field Definitions-General in the next section.

General tab

Demand Requests tab

Supplier Pallets tab

Other Info tab

History tab

Field Definitions-General



Trading Partner

The ID code of the Trading Partner.

Ship ID/ASN Number

Shipment ID, ASN Number or truck number.


Usually the issuer.

Ship To

The code representing the customer’s address where the shipment is going to.

Ship From

The address code of the supplier (your address).

Gross Weight and Units

The gross weight of the pallet and the unit of measure.

Net Weight and Units

The net weight of the pallet and the unit of measure.

Tare Weight and Units

The tare weight of your shipment and the unit of measure.

Received Date

The date when the shipment was received.

Project Number

The number of the involved project.

Other Name

Other required name identifier.

Ship Date

Ship Date and Time

Delivery Date

The date when this Shipment is scheduled to be delivered.


EDI purpose codes indicating this ASN is an original, a cancellation, a change, or a replacement (not all Trading Partners use purpose codes, default=00).

Plant ID

The identifier of the company.

Carrier Equipment Desc Code

The type of equipment used.

Routing Sequence

Default is set to B.

Transport Method Mode

The code that represents the method in which the shipment will be transported.

Equipment Prefix

Usually the SCAC code.

ID Qualifier

The code structure to identify the carrier. In general, this field is defaulted.

Carrier Location

The location of the carrier.

Trailer Number

The trailer number of the truck that this ASN is leaving on.


Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC). The code that identifies the trucking company.

Bill of Lading

The Bill of Lading number.

Air Bill

The air bill number (if any) if the shipment is transported via air.

Packing List

The number of the Packing List that lists the contents in the Shipment container.

Freight Bill

The freight bill number, if any.

Carrier Reference

The reference number used for the carrier.

Seal Number

The number of the seal that remains on the container during shipping and is removed by the consignee.

Created Date

The date when the shipment was created.

Modified Date

The date when the shipment was last modified.

Created By

The person who created the shipment.

Modified By

The user ID of the last person who saved a change to the Shipment.


View a Demand Request

1.    On the Supplier Shipment Receiving screen, switch to the Demand Requests tab.

2.    On the Demand Requests tab, click the item that you want to view.

3.    On the Supplier Demand Requests Detail window, select the General, Inner Packs, Received Shipment, Product Receipt, Other Info, or History tabs to view the corresponding details.

 Note   For additional information, see Demand Request.

General tab

 TIP   You can scroll down to view more fields on the General tab.





Inner Packs tab

Received Shipment tab



The Ship ID/ASN Number on the Received Shipment tab of the Supplier Demand Requests Detail screen is the one on the General tab of the Shipment Receiving screen.

Product Receipt tab

Other Info tab

History tab

View Received Shipment History

This feature displays all the processing that has occurred to a shipment. After you save the changes made to a shipment, the previous one will be stored on the History tab.

1.    On the Supplier Shipment Receiving screen, switch to the History tab.

2.    On the History tab, click the shipment whose history records you want to view.

Print a Shipment

The Print button allows you to print a report for the selected shipment.

  1. On the Supplier Receiving menu, click Shipment Receiving.

  2. On the Shipment Receiving screen, select the record that you want to print.

  3. Click  Print.

The report (PDF file) is shown for you to preview.

Export a Shipment

The Export button will export a report for one or multiple shipments to an Excel spreadsheet for external use.

  1.   On the Supplier Receiving menu, click Shipment Receiving.

  2.   On the Shipment Receiving screen, select the record that you want to export.

  3.  Click  Export.

 Note   If needed, you can select multiple records to export.

The Excel file is downloaded.

If you export one record, the Excel file will contain only data from that Shipment. The file name of the Excel file is saved as Name of Trading Partner + Document Reference Number + Shipment + Timestamp (Unix format).

If you export multiple records, the Excel file will contain data of all selected Shipments. The file name of the Excel file is saved as Shipment + Timestamp (Unix format).